Home-Entrepreneur Package


Home-Entrepreneur package design to support the new opening business or absolutely start up with few staff (around 5 to 7 people) which can live in the same time with fast and smooth connection. HEP based on fiber optic lines and share to Wi-Fi router (max. 2 routers) so anyone can connect to it easily. Our fast and seamless connectivity allows our users to make the most of their smart appliances and gadgets as well as adopt a more digital lifestyle at home.    

Features & Benefits


With up to 40 Mbps of

symmetrical and high quality

fibre optic internet paired with

Moshe WiFi technology, your

entire employees can enjoy the best

internet experience every day!

Moshe WiFi Technology

This is the first introduction

of Moshe WiFi for STAM ISP.

This cutting-edge technology

makes it so that your WiFi

coverage is strong everywhere

with no "dead zone".


  • 3 months upfront payment is required
  • 50$ one time Agreement fee is charged
  • Private static IP is free for all packages
  • Not available for Household customer
  • Others condition apply